Due to inclement weather and road conditions all schools and offices will be on a three-hour delay, Monday, December 16th. Be safe

This Friday is the first Friday in February meaning that it is National Wear Red Day! The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute does this each year on the first Friday in February to raise awareness about heart disease as the leading cause of death among Americans, especially women.

Check out today's Dover Daily https://www.youtube.com/live/ecDel7kgFy0?si=5bTKP1c_FQImiDGl

Dover PTSA fundraiser pick up for the fall brochure and winter flower fundraisers.
Today, November 27 4-6 pm in the DES cafeteria
Any questions email doverptsa@gmail.com

This weekend is the DWTA Turkey Raffle Run/Walk! Please join us for this fun event, open to everyone! We have some truly amazing raffle prizes . If you are joining a team, please pre register by Wednesday, Nov. 15th by going to: www.dwtaturkeyraffleweebly.com/teamregistration
This event is to benefit the Center of Compassion and registration is simply a monetary donation or three food items. We hope to see you there!

Don't forget to order your yearbook! yearbookordercenter.com
Job # 13069

With the holidays approaching quickly it is never too late to get a jump on your shopping. We have set up a Dover store so that you can get geared up for the rest of the year or just the holidays. See the link below, https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/Holiday566

Halloween Costumes
We are excited to celebrate Halloween with costumes, candy, and activities with our students.
Just a few reminders about costumes:
🎃Appropriate costumes- follow school dress code
🎃No masks to be worn covering face
🎃No inflatable costumes
🎃No weapons
🐉When in doubt, you can always dress like a dragon
If you have a concern or question about your costume, reach out to Ms. Martinez or Mrs. McPherson.

DMS Activity Night Rescheduled- due to a football game the DMS Activity Night has been rescheduled from this friday 10/20 to Friday 11/3

Just a reminder that this Friday, 10/6 is a full day of school for students.

Don't miss out any any important communications! Please let your child's building secretary know if there are any updates or changes to your phone number, address, or email for the 2023/2024.

Way to go Dover! Many of you have already provided feedback for our strategic-planning process. If you have not had a chance to jump in or see what is new in the exchange, please do so! We would really like your feedback as your voice and collaboration is paramount. We would like to know how you feel about the work of the district now and what we should be considering for the future. Please click here to share your thoughts by 9/25. https://tejoin.com/scroll/781215072

6th Grade Orientation
When: August 30th
Time: 6pm
Location: Auditorium

Kindergarten Screening/Registration is by appointment. Please contact Robin Conklin at 845-877-5700 x 1289 or email robin.conklin@doverschools.org

You can now register for the 7th Grade Boston Trip. All information has been sent via email.
The first payment is due 1/6/23. Any questions reach out to christine.schmitt@doverschools.org

Dover Snowboard/Ski Club needs all paperwork submitted no later than November 22, 2022. If the paperwork is not returned you will not be able to participate in the club this year.

Back to School Night on October 12th
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Come meet our teachers and walk your student's schedule

There will be a short Special Board of Education Meeting on Thursday, August 4th at 7pm for the Board to vote on the 2022-2023 Tax Warrant and Tax Rates.
(US) +1 413-998-6019 PIN: 693 287 050#

The Dover UFSD Board of Education will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, July 20th at 7pm, virtually via GoogleMeet The purpose of this meeting is to vote on a Bond Resolution.
join via phone (US) +1 361-245-0051 PIN: 997 805 459#

Good Morning, Due to a power outage at the High School and Middle School we will be sending the High School and Middle School students home. Dismissal will be at approximately 9:15. Wingdale and Dover Elementary have power and are staying in school, however they do not have internet or phone.